Sunday, July 17, 2011

TAG: What's On My Nightstand?

Hi All!

A little while ago I got tagged by Linda from Xibalba
So... wanna see what's on my nightstand?

Nothing beauty related lol...
You could say I'm kind of a bookaholic...
Currently I am reading Inkheart, love it so far
I also have my ereader near (I am reading the last Jean M Auel at the moment as well)
My 2nd pair of glasses (I am wearing purple ones)
and my Asthma medicin (it's under control but at warm, humid summers I got it bad lol

Pile of delicious pretties......

So.. I tag everyone who wants to share their nighstand info
Leave a link in the comments if you are doing this tag :-)



  1. Haha goed kastje met veel boeken :D

  2. haha erg he... gelukkig heb ik geen hobbies....
