Tuesday, April 12, 2011

EOTD Potentially Good Make Up Turned Bad

Hi All!

Sometimes you screw up, make up wisely, and when I say screw up, I mean

It all started nice, with a dark crease, some OMGWTF from Fyrinnae,
no problem at that time, but then.....
My eyeliner decided to hate me, and boy it did.....
I ended up with a line as thick as my pinky...
And if that wasn't enough, my mascara had an offday...

I am gonna show you the pics, but I am not impressed at all

This is one huge makeup fail and I was glad to take it off last night

Well to error is human :-)
And isn't that the charm of makeup...You can take it off!!

The next one is going to better (though that's not much of a challenge)

Do you ever walk around a day with horrid makeup?
Funny thing is that no one seemed to notice (did they?)



  1. Haha je schrijft weer leuk. Ik vind het wel mee vallen, alleen het groen valt wat weg zo met je ogen open.
    Ik loop wel eens met gebobbelde eyeliner omdat ik het niet strak krijg maar weiger zonder te gaan :P

  2. @Xibalba, haha heel lief van je, maar dit is gewoon niet goed te praten hehehe
