Saturday, April 26, 2014

EOTD April 19th and a new haircolor

Hi Guys,

I started the day with a simple wash of color of Fyrinnae's Envy Me

Later that day I used Urban Decay's Mushroom and a bright green from Sleek's I-Candy palette.
I also added some green glitter.

And since I was getting kind of tired with my red hair, not the color but the fact it fades while you look at it, and I don't like looking like a carrot, I decided to go darker again.
So I got some simple brown hairdye, and Mr. Morgaine went at it lol

Here's the result, a lot darker but with a perfect dark red sheen to it
My goal is a chocolate brown shade, but since I have been dyeing my hair red every three weeks or so for the last two years, that is going to take some time.

I know it's common to lighten your hair in spring instead of darken it, but hey I just roll that way :-)


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