Tuesday, August 23, 2011

EOTD Dirty & Muddy Greens

Hi All!

I got severely inspired by the Buttercupcake post from
KittenMittens from Painted
Wanna know what I'm talking about?
Check it Here

Go on, I will wait....

Great, you're back!
Aren't those killer looks?
I thought so!

So I fooled around with Inglot's M343 and a neutral (M378)
I used M351 on the lid and browbone
I used my regular base and mascara and some
eyeliner in taupe from DA

On cheeks Sleek's Aruba blush

In the evening I went out and added some sparkle and depth with
Inglot's AMC45S and AMC41S
Winged the eyeliner a little more
Added some green eyepencil on the waterline

I love how these colors made my brown eyes stand out more!

I hope I did KittenMittens proud, thanks for the
huge inspiration dear!!!


  1. Heel leuk daar zou ik nooit zelf opkomen, maar het is iets wat ik ook wel ns wil doen. En het staat je erg mooi!
    Leuk blog ook, die kende ik nog niet.

  2. Nee ik ook niet, ga ook zeker eens met buttercupcake dit proberen...Zij doet ook leuke dingen he???

  3. Love this, too! Sooooo pretty with your brown eyes! And Aruba looks fantastic on you.

  4. Yay!!! It looks awesome! Yellow crease FTW! :)

  5. Thanks so much ladies Indeed FTW!!! :-D
